WPA UWF post I:
Go to the following link and browse through posters from the WPA Artists:
Posters from the WPA
Find three posters of interest to you, each from a different section:
2. Cultural Programs
3. Travel and Tourism
4. Educational Programs
5. Community Activities
6. Federal Project Number One
Post the posters to your blog and do the following for each of the posters:
a. Respond to the palette from the poster:
Bring the poster into Illustrator or Photoshop and isolate the palette into adjacent rectangles of color.. Post this palette to your blog. Respond strictly to this pallette (not the poster): what is the relationship between the colors, what do they do, how do they work?
b. Respond to the illustration style of the poster:
Find photographic images of the objects featured in the poster (as un-stylized or as documentary as possible given the limited resources of the internet) . Notice how the artist has abstracted these objects into an illustration style. Describe this style, the artist's process, in relation to the photographic representations.
c. Respond to the persuasive technique of the poster:
How is the poster working to influence behavior? What is the poster asking you to do? How is the poster convincing you to do it?