Monday, November 28, 2011
UWF Department of Art presents:
mixed tapes from the student collection
Your final poster design for the semester must use either a photograph taken by you or a classmate from inside the art department OR an illustration you have created yourself. The only found image or stock photo you may use is of an actual Compact Cassette Tape, there can be no other elements borrowed in or for the photograph.
This final poster will use Lucien Bernhard's Sachplakat strategy (the strategy, not the illustration style) to advertise a collection of mixed tapes created by UWF art and design students from the 1970's to now.
There can be no text other than:
UWF Department of Art presents:
mixed tapes from the student collection
(unless text appears hand written on the actual cassette, anything goes there... but one or a combination of the following is recommended:
Sculpture Mix, Photography Mix, Graphic Design Mix, Painting Mix, Drawing Mix, Digital Media Mix, Ceramics Mix, Printmaking Mix, Art History Mix)
UWF DOA Identity restrictions:
"UWF Department of Art" must appear in VAG Rounded BT (attached)
There are no color restrictions on the logo, nor does the name of the department have to appear inside the drips.
Size may be 11 x 17, 12 x 18, 13 x 19 OR 22 x 34. This poster must be posted to the wall by Wednesday, December 7th for our Final Critique during regular class time. Feedback from a classmate AND either myself or second classmate must be a part of the process before making your final edits and corrections. Suggestions, ideas, and corrections must be posted to the blog by the final critique.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Assigment due Wednesday, August 24th
Your poster should be posted your blog and to the wall in the glass hallway by midnight, Wednesday, August 24th. Your poster should attracted your demographic to the amphitheater by using design to convey a sense of mood, an attitude, and/or a musical genre.
*Your poster can use NO photos of the band.
*Your poster can use none of the band's graphic identity.
*Any found image used from the web CANNOT be scaled up for your design unless (unless and only if distortion and resolution problems are an intended part of the design)
*Found images may only be used if and only if a found image collage is your intended effect
*A tabloid size design, printed on the laserjet 5550. Larger paper, if used, should be trimmed to 11x17.
Choose from one of the following bands for your project ONLY:
Jack's Mannequin
Blind Pilot
St. Vincent
Madina Lake
Kevin Devine
Saves the Day
The Rapture
The Nightwatchman
Active Child
Monday, April 11, 2011
minimum dimensions of one side of this timeline is 22"
minimum number of timeline entries/increments is also 22
IDEA and preliminary SKETCH due APRIL 18th
Final Poster printed and posted to wall by APRIL 28th
Monday, March 21, 2011
New Blog Post - DUE WED. MARCH 23!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post these examples to your blog.
Discuss each example in terms of relevance to your own idea and usefulness to the development of your own project.
This must be posted to your blog by 8:30am, Wednesday, March 23rd.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
DUE Wed., March 9th
DUE MONDAY, March 7th
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Abstract Design Problems
Use the same board that has your non-written instructions or use the board just next to it. The board is half filled with typography. (boards B and C)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Artists for New Abstract Design Problem
Keith Haring
David Sullivan (see works on aluminum under prints at the menu bar on the left)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Teach a Martian to Tie a Shoe
No Letters can be used in the project other than as a shape in a pictogram.
No more than two colors and black (and white) can be used.
For the week of 2/7 - 2/9:
You should get feedback from one classmate on your design. Paraphrase and post this feedback and your consequent actions (or lack thereof) to your blog.
Due 8:30 am, Monday, February 14th:
11 x 17 document posted to wall in glass hallway
electronic version of document posted to your blog
Monday, January 24, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
choose from one of the following typefaces:
Gill Sans
Cooper Black
Century Schoolbook
Times New Roman
Research the history of the typeface.
Use the alphabet (converted to outlines in Illustrator) to create a set of 5-9 icons based upon imagery/art/industrial or product design from the time period. (cut up with the knife tool and reassemble)
Your icons should work together as a system and relate in terms of level of detail and scale.
Do not change the letters scale.
Do not skew or distort the letters.
Do not fill in the counters.
Do not change the underlying path of the letters.
(note: this project is an expansion of Hellen Lupton's class project "Helvetica Nation" for Graphic Design II at the Maryland Institute College of Art)
Working with restraints
Conveying ideas through minimal means
Relationships between contemporary design across discipline
Relating parts of a set as development of a style