The UWF Rugby club is working to reach a larger group of students and faculty on campus. With this goal in mind, we have decided to hold a portfolio contest for any interested students with cash prizes going to the top two portfolios (First place - $100, Second place - $50).
We ask that you pass this information on to your classes.
Each participating student will design a portfolio of four separate fliers with the themes designated below.
Flier 1 - Game announcement
Flier 2 - Recap of past season/recruitment
Flier 3 - Recruitment flier juxtaposed with lack of football team containing pertanent practice info.
Flier 4 - FAQ flier/recruitment
The dead line for contest entries will be May 15th, 2010.
Have interested parties contact Michael Parlato ( for more details about the themes and restrictions.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Michael Parlato
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